Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Family: Essential Oils to Keep Mommies Sane

So I'm a normal Mom, who has 4 kids, who have their moments of melting down at times. Yes, I to have those moments of insanity and I think to myself, "will this ever end?"

I am a huge advocate for living as healthy, organic lifestyle I can for me and my family. It is incredibly important to me to not always turn to OTC medications to be able to help my kids. Which is where I want to tell you about a natural remedy using essential oils.

I have a 4yo daughter who on most days is WILD! The type of child where you swear she turns into a wearwolf on full moon nights. The kind of kid that will climb every wall like spiderman, and never listen when you tell her to be careful. She gets my blood working in one way or another. It is hard for her to focus. It is hard for her to be completely calm all day. We are currently working with a medical team to pinpoint what exactly is going on, but until an official diagnosis, we use essential oils!

About a year ago, I was introduced to essential oils through a dear friend of mine via a facebook post. So I inquired, had a few samples sent out to me and I was sold! What really sold me on these miracle oils is my husband! He has a pretty awful bunion on his foot that constantly gives him issues. Or should I say, GAVE him issues! We used a blend called, deepblue. I applied it directly to his bunion, and within just a few days he was able to walk without ANY pain at all. Something he hadn't experienced in years!

So I continued to add to my collection and now I have a glorious amount of different oils that helps to heal my family on a regular basis.

The one I want to talk to you about today is the blend we use on our 4yo that spits fire when she has a melt down. I use a combination of 3 oils, Vetiver, Balance, & Serenity. The 3 of these combined helps provide her comfort almost instantly. I simply apply the vetiver (diluted with fractionated coconut oil) up and down her spine. Balance & Serenity both are applied to her hairline & feet directly. No joke! Within minutes she is calmed down & back to her normal smiling self.

If you want to watch a short video on exactly how Balance works check out this video below!

If you are interested in learning more about oils, feel free to send me an email at

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Welcome to Mama Bee Healthy!!!

Welcome to the New Mama Bee Healthy Blog! After a few months of taking off a dedicated workout, I'm baacck and ready to get down to business.

I'm a SAHM that runs her own Media Company making me a WAHM (work at home mom). I have 4 lovely kids that range from 7-1yo. I'm also a wife to an amazing man, and we homeschool! Needless to say I'm a little bit busy. However, I have to make it a priority to take care of myself so I can operate at my best!

That all being said, I thought I'd start a NEW blog, yes I know, ANOTHER one! (If you aren't already a fan, I also run a very successful coupons & deals site:, check it out, we have alot of fun over there) But I thought Mama Bee Healthy would be a great opportunity for me to connect with other Moms & Women (okay, Men are allowed also) to help them to realize that by working out and leading a healthy lifestyle you can only benefit from it. Your family will appreciate the fact that you took 30-40 minutes out of your day to work on yourself.

So join me on this journey as I get restarted! Time to get with it and never look back again!

Follow me on FB as well to stay motivated each day >>! Salud, to getting healthy!


Mama Bee